
Showing posts from June, 2018

Baby Steps

Believe me, if I could write this blog entirely with words beginning in "B" I would.  But then you wouldn't want to read any of it and that kind of defeats the purpose.  In fact, you probably aren't yet convinced that you should read my blog at all, regardless of my obsession with alliteration.  So, here's the pitch: This is my blog about my upcoming year as a student missionary to Bolivia. The primary purpose of my blog is to update the important people in my life about how things are going and what I've been up to.  (As for those of you who aren't important to me... just kidding, the fact that you've made it this far is proof that I couldn't have ever made it here without you--yes all of you.)  Additionally, I want to make this a place where I can share my stories and experiences with you all and explain what I have learned in the process.  I understand that my audience is multi-generational so I am going to do my best to include content that i...