Baby Steps

Believe me, if I could write this blog entirely with words beginning in "B" I would.  But then you wouldn't want to read any of it and that kind of defeats the purpose.  In fact, you probably aren't yet convinced that you should read my blog at all, regardless of my obsession with alliteration.  So, here's the pitch:

This is my blog about my upcoming year as a student missionary to Bolivia. The primary purpose of my blog is to update the important people in my life about how things are going and what I've been up to.  (As for those of you who aren't important to me... just kidding, the fact that you've made it this far is proof that I couldn't have ever made it here without you--yes all of you.)  Additionally, I want to make this a place where I can share my stories and experiences with you all and explain what I have learned in the process.  I understand that my audience is multi-generational so I am going to do my best to include content that is enjoyable for all ages. I really do hope you are able to get a taste of what my experience is like this next year, and that you gain something for having read the stories I plan to include.

So by now you may be wondering, "what exactly does one do in the Bolivian jungle for 10 months?" I am going to be working at an orphanage called Familia Feliz near Rurrenabaque, Bolivia (Not telling how many awkward encounters I've had where someone walks in on me practicing the pronunciation over and over and over...)  At this point, (slightly more than a month away from my departure date, August 5) I'm still not exactly sure what I'll be doing besides teaching and being--what I describe as--a camp counselor, only in a different country, in a different language, for a year, and with way more authority (i.e. a house parent). I plan to keep a daily journal to aid me in my blog writing, but Familia Feliz is notorious for long days and sleep deprived missionaries, so "daily" may be a little optimistic.  From what I've heard, WiFi is basically non-existent except for in town where I can potentially spend my one day off per week.  That being said, I don't want to spend every day off finding the fastest WiFi in town.  Those of you who only know me just a little bit probably know that I would rather spend my day off finding the best hikes nearby, or exploring the town.  For the time being, I am thinking I will try to post once every two weeks, but this is all speculation and I really won't know what my timeline is like until I get there.

Confession time: I have never written a blog, or anything with an audience this big for that matter.  I don't really consider myself a great or funny writer.  What I do know is that I am about to begin the experience of a lifetime and that's nothing to keep to yourself.  I may not always have the most interesting content or correct grammar, but I am going to give it my very best for all of you so that you can keep up with my adventures and hopefully enjoy a good read at the same time.

Now, I believe I owe some credit to my brother, Corbin, for paving the way for my blogging.  During the 2015-2016 school year, Corbin went to Cameroon, Africa as a student missionary, and shared his experience through his own blog.  Corbin is a great AND funny writer.  If you feel that your blog itch needs to be scratched in between my posts, you should check his blog out here: Corbin's Blog - CaMarooned.  With his blog being such a success,  I wanted to follow in his footsteps and provide a way for you all to keep up with my year abroad, as well as an opportunity for myself to work on my writing skills.  You may notice a few similarities to his blog, specifically the TL;DR section (too long; didn't read) where I will write a short recap of each post for your on-the-go reading pleasures.

I want to end with a thank you and a little teaser. All of this would not have been possible if it weren't for your generous donations and prayers.  I truly appreciate what each and every one of you has done for me, and I ask that you continue to support me through your prayers. I am excited to see how God works through me this year, and I can't wait to share it with you.

This summer, my brother and I are up to some big things.  Although it isn't related to my mission trip to Bolivia, we will undoubtedly have some great stories and pictures that I will be posting in a bonus blog.  Tune in this August to check it out.

Hasta entonces, adios!

No more alliteration. I'm going as an SM to Bolivia to work at an orphanage. My writing skills may not be up to snuff, but this will be great practice and will at least let you know what I've been up to. Check out my brother's  fantastic blog by following the link above.  Without you, none of this would be possible; the least I can do is give you a taste of my experience.  Corbin and I are up to something big, something ~14,000 ft big.



  1. Sweet, this is going on my "recommended reading" list! Your writing so far is easily on my level, just gotta keep it up. You're gonna have a great time, and I can't wait to come and visit you (maybe make a cameo appearance in some of your blog post photos?!)


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