Great, Big, Giant Leaps
It feels like a whole lifetime of events has happened in the past week and half since I left for Familia Feliz in Bolivia. Throw the "like drinking from a firehose" saying out the window. I feel like someone took a bulldozer to an entire fire hydrant and replaced it with my mouth. Currently, it's like I am outside of my body only able to watch as my legs try to run down the hill known as "Familia Feliz". But, the hill just keeps getting steeper and my legs can only keep up for so long--I can only run so fast. It all started with my 24-hour trip to get to Rurrenabaque. Two Thursdays ago I was scheduled to fly to Miami from Atlanta at 2:00. After waiting two hours on the plane for a mechanical issue to be fixed, we disembarked, only to re-embark twenty minutes later and finally depart. Fortunately, I had a long layover in Miami and the short flight there still allowed some time for my "Last Supper" consisting of two slices of pizza and a bagel. ...